April is slipping away…
BIG NEWS!! We have our first show at the end of this month. It’s super exciting! And at the same time, a bit daunting…

And Winter Comes Back Swingin’…
The Lord has been blessing our Great Plains states with some lovely, warm days lately. Temps in the 60’s and 70’s, with warm sunshine and blustery winds that come and go. He is good.
He is also good when He sends the 30 degree temps…

A Peek into the Wood Shop & Life
February and March are always busy for our family. Several weekend long commitments at our church, the homeschool conference we attend every year, and this year adding in Y basketball for Ike.
Why did I decide to add blogging on top of that? Hmmm… Probably because I’m one who likes to sort through my thoughts with words.
Sometimes those words are long or lyrical, sometimes they are bullet points and chicken scratches. Today, it’s leaning more toward the latter. So, here’s some photos of what we’ve been up to.

A new page…
Years ago, I used to have a blog. Yes, that was at the height of the blog trend. It was actually a page that my husband started when he got his cancer diagnosis. It was a place we could update those who were interested about what was going on with our family. However, starting a family blog at the beginning of his chemo treatments and (surprise!) my second pregnancy, wasn’t great timing…