And Winter Comes Back Swingin’…


The Lord has been blessing our Great Plains states with some lovely, warm days lately. Temps in the 60’s and 70’s, with warm sunshine and blustery winds that come and go. He is good.

Yes, that is sawdust all over my black coveralls. Milling lumber is messy business

He’s also good when He sends the 30 degree temps and snow/rain mixture for the five days following.

I know, many midwesterners grumble about such days. I’m often tempted. Especially since, with every massive temperature swing, I find myself fighting migraines and headaches. Running a saw isn’t really an option when your head feels like it’s going to pop from internal pressure. So the working days have been trimmed down to those when I have the capacity to pull on the coveralls and ear protection and go at it for an hour or two.

Even so, with our on again, off again time in the shop, we’ve managed to prep a stack of wood slats, cut up some fresh backer boards and finish a few pieces.

They say people connect with your products more if there are people in the image. Buuuut, I haven’t washed my hair in about a week. So, does this count?

On the family front, we had our church’s Pinewood Derby this past weekend. It’s always a busy, exhausting day, jam packed with laughs, excitement, and maybe a bit too much junk food.

Notes on the Derby: Yes, our track is huge. C took home a trophy (though he was a little bummed that this year’s car wasn’t as fast as the one he made last year). As per usual, I spent a good chunk of my day in the Derby Diner. I didn’t seem much for races, but the conversation with other moms was encouraging. Also, my niece is adorable, even if she is totally extra by matching her unicorn car. Lol!

Today is another of those overcast and chilly days and it’s got me in a reflective mood.

Yesterday, on our social media accounts, I shared the verse Acts 17:28; “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.” Maybe this verse sounds vague, or wistfully poetic to some. But for me, it is nothing more than the truth. He is the reason I’m alive. He is the reason I have this body, the ability to move and think and make my way through life. And He is the reason I exist; soul, spirit, mind, and body.

It’s such a beautiful reminder that, as one who has been redeemed, I can relish in how intricate my Savior is to my life on every single level. I mean, He is just as involved in every life. But my eyes see it. I can see Him working, I can marvel the complexity of what He’s made, and I can know He hears me and smiles when my heart pours out a jumble of words in a sorry attempt to say, “thank you.”

Like I said in the beginning, He is good.



April is slipping away…


A Peek into the Wood Shop & Life