A new page…


Years ago, I used to have a blog. Yes, that was at the height of the blog trend. It was actually a page that my husband started when he got his cancer diagnosis. It was a place we could update those who were interested about what was going on with our family. However, starting a family blog at the beginning of his chemo treatments and (surprise!) my second pregnancy, wasn’t great timing. The family blog quickly went by the wayside.

Fast forward a few years and I tried again. This time around, the blog was a mash up of little boys, sewing, cooking, and spiritual reflection on what the Lord was teaching me. I had grand hopes. But mom life is a busy one, and sporadic binge posting became less and less. Eventually, I let it go.

Then I started writing. I wouldn’t say that site ever became a blog. More like a place to share little glimpses into other worlds and my imagination. Those can be found at smjake, where I still add flash fiction and short stories as I dream them up.

Now, we start again.

Part of me wants to roll my eyes. Another blog?

But, you know what? It’s okay. What does it hurt to share a only few months or years with the world? No where does it say that I have to blog consistently and continuously for fifteen years on end?

The things we share with the internet can be limited; in time, in content, in depth.

And so, welcome to this little blog. A place where I can give you a comfy seat into the woodshop, a spot where you can see all the woodworking chaos. Watch us run power tools and cut wood, pull beautiful things from wood grains, craft delightfully imperfect art for your delightfully imperfect homes.

I hope to also show you hints of other creative endeavors like sewing and gardening, home projects, and maybe even peeks into a little cabin that Nicholas and I are dreaming up and hoping to start one of these days.

I hope you like messes and dad jokes. Cuz, we got a lot of both ‘round here.


A Peek into the Wood Shop & Life